Enkong Glass Machinery specialized in making high-quality glass machine, glass edging machine for global customers.
For most of the time, Guangdong Enkong Machinery Co.,Ltd. would choose the nearest port to our warehouse. We are located near the transportation network, which helps us transmit the goods to the port in a highly efficient way. If you need to specify a port, please contact our service personnel directly for more details and adjustment. The port we choose will always meet your cost and transit need. The port nearer our warehouse might be the best way to keep your collection fees down.
With production scale at the leading position in China, Enkong is renowned for excellence in designing and manufacturing glass straight line edging machine. Enkong provides a wide range of glass beveling machine for customers. Top-notch technology used for mitering machine definitely is superior to the similar glass mitering machine in terms of . We can provide technical support for our products. The product can create memories and help bond time with family and friends for those people who go to theme parks for fun. English and Chinese instruction manual are available for our high quality glass machinery.
We listen to our clients and put their needs first. We work creatively to achieve tangible benefits and find viable solutions to client issues.
As an innovator of glass machine, ENKONG will continue to pursue further development from a higher perspective, to set an example to the glass machine industry and build up an everlasting brand!