Enkong Glass Machinery specialized in making high-quality glass machine, glass edging machine for global customers.
Guangdong Enkong Machinery Co.,Ltd. always provides competitive prices to create value for the customer base. We place a cost not only from an industry competition perspective but also out of product development and cost of manufacturing perspective. We provide the best value for customers together with glass double edger machine.
Enkong has passed the test of glass straight line edging machine to produce the glass machinery with finest quality. Enkong produces a number of different product series, including glass edge polishing. Enkong glass double edger adopts high quality semiconductor materials and different impurities, resulting in clear color light from the LED. The working efficiency of our products is high. double edger we produced contains the substance of glass double edger which can promote longer lifespan. Our products are of high quality with great functions.
We conduct sustainable activities in our business operations. We believe that the impact of our actions on the environment will attract socially conscious consumers. Welcome to visit our factory!
As an innovator of glass machine, ENKONG will continue to pursue further development from a higher perspective, to set an example to the glass machine industry and build up an everlasting brand!