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Why glass cutting machine is beneficial to later maintenance

by:Enkong     2022-01-10

Why the glass cutting machine is beneficial to the later maintenance? The appearance of the glass cutting machine facilitates everyone's life, provides everyone's convenience, and is more important to our lives. How do we perform maintenance in the later period of use? The following manufacturers will explain to you why the glass cutting machine is beneficial to the later maintenance.

  1) The glass glass cutting machine reduces its own weight and improves its seismic performance;

  2) It is a technical guarantee for the industrialization of buildings;  

  3) The glass cutting machine is beneficial Post-maintenance and repair;

  4) The glass curtain wall can be recycled and reused, which meets the requirements of the current building sustainable development concept;

  5) Glass is the only one with high transparency, natural lighting, and good visibility , Building materials that meet human nature.

Unit type curtain wall has standard unit and non-standard unit. They are different in the process of application. The characteristics of standard unit are industrialization, standardization, modularization, and parameterization. The characteristics of non-standard unit are Full of individualization, specialization, and localization.

  2. Super high-rise unit curtain wall composition form

  (1) Grid curtain wall. This kind of curtain wall is the most common form of unit curtain wall. The square grid is designed according to a certain proportion to form the component unit of the curtain wall. The structure can be made into an exposed frame or a hidden frame.

  (2) Diamond grid grid curtain wall. To form an active facade style, the shape of the external curtain wall must be considered when designing the internal structural system of the building, which is the result of overall design.

   (3) Rhythm and texture. The formation of a special rhythm or texture through a certain arrangement and combination also needs to be consistent with the architectural structure.

  (4) Stacked curtain wall. The unit itself is a plane, but its combination is not on the same plane, forming a three-dimensional hierarchy, and is often designed with the skin of ecological technology.

The above is what the manufacturer explained to you about the benefits of the later maintenance of the glass glass cutting machine. You also need to clean it when you use it to maintain the service life of the glass cutting machine. If you still have any questions, you can visit our official website for consultation, or call our staff directly, and our staff will answer you one by one.

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