
Enkong Glass Machinery specialized in making high-quality glass machine, glass edging machine for global customers. (+86)757-27756688

Increase support for the export of equipment for glass machinery enterprises

by:Enkong     2021-04-19

According to the economic operation data of the National Bureau of Statistics in the first half of this year, the sales revenue of production enterprises in the first half of this year decreased year-on-year, the sales revenue of glass edgers decreased year-on-year, the industry-wide main business income profit rate and accounts receivable turnover rate And the debt-to-asset ratio was lower than the one-year loan interest rate, and the profit of the glass edging machine was once lower than the one-year time deposit interest rate, reflecting the sharp decline in the industry’s earnings capacity. Beginning in May in the first half of this year, imports of glass machinery, goods and goods have shown a month-on-month and a month-on-month growth for two consecutive months. Under the influence of the appreciation of the renminbi, the steady growth of the country and the promotion of foreign trade, it is estimated that imports in the second half of the year will lead to a positive growth in imports throughout the year. Because the import situation reflects the demand of the domestic mid-to-high-end market, the recent change in imports indicates that the domestic mid-to-high-end market demand is rising. After analyzing the economic operation and import and export data of the industry in the first half of this year, it is estimated that the operation of the glass machinery industry for the whole year will show a low level and stabilize downward. According to the gradual stability of glass machinery production and the significant increase in imports, it is estimated that this year our country's glass machinery consumer market will continue to maintain the world's first position, but the scale will decline. In order to further smoothly operate and complete the transformation and upgrading, and to deal with unfavorable factors and pressures, the government should increase support for enterprise exports, use national financial funds to guarantee the investment link, increase support for domestic independent glass machinery brands, and create fairness. A reasonable competitive environment for industrial production.
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