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Glass cutting machine including which components

by:Enkong     2020-12-27
Glass cutting machine cutting knife wheel including protection shell, for tubing, vertical, horizontal connections linking slab column, column cutting wheel connection, protection and cutting wheel, intermediate connecting with positive protection shell for tubing. Protective shell of the lower right side is equipped with vertical connection plate, the bottom of the connecting plate and the vertical column connections, vertical column connection through horizontal connection plate bottom connection hole connected to the shell, and connection with cutting wheel connection column, cutting wheel link at the bottom of the column has a cutting wheel, cutting wheel has connected to the cutting wheel on both sides column connection protection wheel, wheel were set up two protection. Air flotation device including shell, power, connecting pipe and connector and motor shell are installed on the right side of the middle motor, motor connection above have the connector, the connector on both sides of the connecting pipe connecting two root power, two power supply connecting pipe connected to the workbench. Leg including column, column and bearing pedestal, column is equipped with the column, outside the top connected to columns, column connection with bearing at the bottom of the base, set within mesa is porous, glass cutting process of waste can be set by gas purifying device of floating in the table below.
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