
Enkong Glass Machinery specialized in making high-quality glass machine, glass edging machine for global customers. (+86)757-27756688

Development Status of glass edge grinding machine

by:Enkong     2019-12-06

Our country has become one of the most sought-after markets in the global glass machinery industry, and large global enterprises are scrambling to take the lead. Xiao Bian believes that the promotion strategies of these large enterprises have changed deeply, and they have more choices to build factories in our country to expand the market. In order to cope with these changes and develop in the fierce competition, it is necessary to improve the ability of market acquisition and enter the era of brand promotion. 

In the future, enterprises will become the leader of the global machine tool market, the equipment structure of the enterprise will be greatly adjusted, and the socialization of low-end glass edge grinding machine products will be continuously promoted, and the new five types of equipment will become the mainstream equipment in the market, and the medium and high-end equipment will enter the global level within three years. To achieve the above goals, it is necessary for China's related supporting industries to keep up. 

 Objectively speaking, during the 12th Five-Year Plan period, one of the primary goals of the glass machinery industry is to promote the industrialization of numerical control systems and functional components. From R & D and manufacturing to market recognition, domestic high-end glass edging machines still have a long way to go. The high-end glass edging machine can not be made by imitating it.  Due to the lack of talents and technology in our country, the large-scale import of foreign high-end glass edging machines will not change in the short term. Many enterprises lack motivation for skill innovation and are not urgent. In the past few years, our Chinese machine tool enterprises can make good profits by making low-end and medium-end equipment, while the research and development and manufacturing of high-end glass edge grinding machines have large investment and high risks, many enterprises are too content with the status quo. 

 As our Chinese industry continues to advance, it may force enterprises to increase their investment in high-end glass edging machines, and it is estimated that many improvements will be made in the late 12th Five-Year Plan, this makes our country unable to be completely independent in making many high-end glass machines. For these, the domestic high-end glass edging machine obviously lacks confidence. People engaged in the glass machinery industry all know the meaning of the automobile glass market.  Based on years of experience, nearly half of the domestic glass edging machines are usually used in the automobile glass industry. But sadly, domestic glass edging machines rarely enter these high-end fields. 

 In recent years, our country has given a lot of policy support to the glass machinery industry, making Chinese machine tool enterprises dare to make efforts in the high-end market. In practice, China's glass machinery industry is not short of high-end technology, nor is it short of high-end equipment.  If we still attribute the reason why imported glass machinery still monopolizes the high-end market to its ability and technical level. Since last year, the increase in demand in China's glass machinery industry has slowed down, which many glass machinery enterprises have already felt. With the transformation and upgrading of China's national economy and the explosive increase in the need in the early stage of industrialization, the glass processing industry will have higher and higher requirements on the level and quality of equipment, china's high-end glass edging machine market will surely become a strategic highland for military strategists.
Guangdong Enkong Machinery Co.,Ltd. has a professional team of engineers and technology professionals.
Above all, we expect to be a credit to the communities we serve, a valuable resource to our customers, and a place where our dedicated glass machine can grow and prosper.
Guangdong Enkong Machinery Co.,Ltd. can promise you that we never conceded on the quality standards of our products.                                

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