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What are the typical features of glass edge grinding machine equipment

by:Enkong     2021-02-28
What are the typical features of glass edge grinding machine equipment. Glass edge grinding machine is one of our usual commonly used machine equipment, so it has the characteristic which did you know, today we glass edge grinding machine equipment of small make up to answer for you, the next thrilled everybody take a look at it. 1. Glass edge grinding machine for grinding equipment, grinding head motor glass workers directly, also to the accuracy requirement is very high, the better the glass edge grinding machine equipment for ABB motor. 2. Splint flatness after glass edge grinding machine equipment, must be controlled in 0. 02 mm less than, to ensure the straightness of beveling machine. 3. Beam before and after the glass edge grinding machine equipment, such as base, pillar must be casting parts, welding parts bad rigidity, and easy deformation. 4. Glass edge grinding machine chain transmission equipment transmission way for the better, because the bearing drive motor, bearing is easy to fill and glass powder is easy to wear and maintenance is very high. 5. Glass edge grinding machine equipment structure more concise, excessive link is less, the smaller the cumulative error. Is above five characteristics of glass edge grinding machine equipment, understanding of the features of it is better for you to use glass edge grinding machine equipment, if you feel to know this is not enough, also want to continue to learn some knowledge about the glass edge grinding machine equipment, can contact us. Let us serve you better.
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